Sri Lanka formerly known as Ceylon is an island situated in the Indian Ocean. In early 18th century tea plants were brought to Sri Lanka by the then ruling British and  were planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens of Paradeniya. In 1867 a British man by the name of James Taylor started a tea plantation, marking the beginning of tea in Sri lanka.

Orange Pekoe, Main grade, consisting of long wiry leaf without tips.
OP1 More delicate than OP; long, wiry leaf with a light liquor.
OPA Bolder than OP; long leaf tea which ranges from tightly wound to almost open.
BOP Broken Orange Pekoe, Main broken grade.
BOPF Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning's, Main grade in Sri Lanka
FBOP Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe, Coarser and broken with some tips

